Monday, September 10, 2012

Other Structures that Help the Sperm Reach its Target

Another element of the reproductive system called the "epididymis" helps the developing sperm cells acquire the ability to move and fertilise the egg. The epididymis is loosely attached to the outside of the testes; it is a coiled tube of about 6 meters. Before beginning this part of their journey, some sperm are stored for a while in the epididymis. The sperm then move toward a connective tube, the "vas deferens", a long tube that ascends from the epididymis in the pelvic cavity. The sperm can be stored in this tube for a long time without losing their ability to fertilise an egg, and when the time comes, the sperm leaves the vas deferens and begins the long journey to the egg cell in the female body.7
In order for the sperm to be able to begin the function of fertilisation, they need other helpers to supply what is required on this difficult journey and to give the support they need to survive. One of these helpers is the prostate gland. In addition, there are two secretion glands called the "seminal vesicles" located on each side of the prostate. These glands begin their work of producing special fluids to accompany the sperm on their journey, when the production of the sperm is complete.
A fluid secreted from the prostate gland joins the sperm on their way. This fluid is composed of citric acid, calcium and acid phosphate, a clotting enzyme and a profibrinolysin. In the female reproductive organs there is a thick mixture of acids which prevents the proliferation of bacteria. Besides curtailing the ability of the sperm to move, this acid mixture can kill them, but the prostate fluid neutralizes the effect of the acid, thus allowing the sperm to swim easily toward the egg.
Here it is useful to pause and think for a moment. The prostate gland in the male reproductive system acts with knowledge of the environment of the female body. It knows that the sperm will encounter an acidic environment in the course of their journey and that they will not be able to survive in that environment. Moreover, it can determine how to overcome this danger and produce the fluid required to do it. There is no doubt that here we have to do with a miracle. It is impossible to say that a secretory gland in the male body knows another structure unconnected with itself, and, acting according to this knowledge, makes decisions and carries them out. Just think: not even a human being with conscious intelligence and the ability to hear and see, calculate, decide on a course of action and arrive at a solution, could foresee what kinds of danger exist in a totally alien environment and take measures in relation to them. But the prostate gland, a piece of flesh composed of cells, can manage this. It is in no way possible to claim that it is the prostate gland that makes such vital decisions and implements them. It is God Who has inspired this gland to perform its function; it is He Who has created every square millimetre of the male reproductive system and of the female body.
Moreover, the prostate gland is not the only gland that produces what is required in the male reproductive system for the journey of the sperm. The fluid secreted by the seminal vesicles located beside the prostate gland is indispensable for this journey. Shortly after the sperm have started on their way, this fluid joins them to help them reach the end of their difficult journey. This fluid contains an abundance of fructose and other nutrient substances as well as large quantities of "prostaglandins" and "fibrinogen". The fructose and other nourishment sustains the sperm from the time it enters the female body to the time it fertilises the egg. In addition, the "prostaglandin" in this fluid helps the sperm to reach the egg in other different ways. One of the functions of prostaglandin is to react with the mucous in the uterus channel and provide a suitable environment for the movement of the sperm. A second function is to cause reverse contractions in the uterus and fallopian tubes to allow the sperm to move more easily.
At this point it is again obvious that we are confronted with a very great wonder. The fluid secreted by the seminal vesicles perfectly knows the intricate structure of the female body which it has never seen. It knows in advance that the reverse contractions in the uterus and fallopian tubes will help the movement of the sperm and, acting with a high degree of foresight, it adds a chemical material (prostaglandin) to its own make-up that will bring about these contractions. Think of asking any chemist to produce such a reaction; what would he do?
First he would examine the sperm, its structure and the requirements for fertilisation to occur. Later he would try to learn about the female body, its hormones, the egg, the fallopian tubes which carry the egg to the uterus, the uterus, the tissues of the uterus, the nerve system that causes the contractions and many other details. Then, combining his years of education and experience he will discover the material substances which exert an influence on these things; he will take them, and by way of experiment and research he will find out in what proportions these substances must be combined. A human being possessed of consciousness may perhaps be able to do this with a lot of devoted and time-consuming effort.
However, what accomplishes these things is not a chemist who has become an expert in this field after years of study. It is cells, tissues and organs produced by unconscious atoms and molecules. All the same, it is not possible to assert that this collection of cells has a higher intelligence and a greater knowledge than a chemist, or that they perform these functions at the bidding of their own will.
There is no doubt that this fluid produced in the male reproductive system and designed in such a way as to influence the female reproductive system, together with the cells, tissues and organs that produce it are a clear proof of God's creation.
It is evident that this whole interrelated system cannot be the work of chance. A person of intelligence and conscience will immediately grasp that these wondrous occurrences that happen flawlessly in the bodies of every human being that has ever lived are the work of a supreme intelligence and an eternal power, and he will serve God, to Whom alone belongs this eternal intelligence and power.
O mankind! Have fear of your Lord Who created you from a single self and created its mate from it and then disseminated many men and women from the two of them. Heed God in Whose name you make demands on one another as well as any ties of kinship. God watches over you continually. (Qur'an, 4: 1)

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