Monday, September 10, 2012

Final Preparations Under Way...

Now the general appearance of the sperm, supported by the fluids in the semen, has become evident. Every part of the sperm the head, the neck, the midpeace, the tail and the end piece all have their separate functions. The nucleus (the head section) is no larger than 5 microns. In this 5 micron space has been placed all the information relevant to the human body and required to turn one cell into a human being. In the head of the sperm is a genetic package of 23 chromosomes which will be carried to the egg. That is, in the head of the microscopic sperm cell has been safely packed the information about how all the organs of the human body will work, where they will be located, at which stage which cells will begin to develop and change, in short, all the information about how the human body will be constructed.
Along with the genetic information, the head of the sperm has another special feature. For example, in the "acrosome", the name given to the outer protective layer of the head, there are substances which will help the sperm in the final stages of its journey. These are enzymes which can dissolve tissues. Using these enzymes, the sperm will be able to pierce the egg and enter it during the process of fertilisation.10 (see "The Sperm and the Egg Meet")
The second most important part of the sperm is the tail, which allows it to swim easily in a fluid environment. The sperm's tail determines the direction in which it will swim and helps it to reach the egg cell. So far so good. But how does this tail supply the energy needed for the sperm's continual whip-like movements? The energy needs of the sperm are supplied in a wonderful way. The body of the tail is a fuel depot, which supplies energy throughout the journey. On the long road until it reaches the egg, the sperm's need for energy is met by the mitochondria found in this section. Using the energy carriers in the neck of the sperm, the mitochondria supply ATP energy, which allows the sperm to move easily.11
As we can see, in all of its aspects the sperm displays a perfect design. Without the tail, the sperm would not be able to move; without the mitochondira in the midpeace, energy could not be produced and again, there could be no movement. If the head section of the sperm were structurally perfect except for a missing acrosome, the required enzymes would not be produced and there would no longer be any purpose in the sperm reaching the egg; it would not be able to penetrate the egg cell and fertilise it.
Therefore, the sperm cannot have acquired all these features by stages in the course of time as the theory of evolution claims. When the first human being appeared in the world, the sperm must have contained all these features. Since it would be impossible for the sperm to perform its fertilising function with a deficiency in any one of these features, and if, as the evolutionists claim, there had been sperm in the past that did not possess all of these features, human beings would not have multiplied; they would have been wiped off the face of the earth. This shows that sperm came to be in one moment with their perfect structure; that is, it demonstrates the fact of creation. The Creator of the perfect design of the sperm is God, the Creator of everything.
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