Monday, August 27, 2012

Imitation Kidneys

In the event that organs fail to function properly, present-day technology places artificial devices to replace them at the disposal of medical science. If the kidneys fail or cease to function properly, dialysis machines have been developed to function as a blood- purification system. In these machines—incomparably larger than the kidneys themselves—blood is passed through various mechanisms and cleansed of such toxic substances as uric acid.
These machines work by simple diffusion, in which blood passes from a very high-density environment to a low-density one. Blood from an artery is pumped through a tube into the dialysis machine, containing fluid that’s similar to blood plasma in terms of oxygen richness and salt concentration. As blood is pumped through the tubes, waste products such as urea are diffused into the dialysis fluid, while needed substances such as erythrocytes and proteins remain in the dialysis tubes. During this process, the device lightly shakes the dialysis fluid, thanks to which waste products in the blood are separated out and the blood is made suitable for being returned to the body. If required, glucose is added to the dialysis fluid and again passed into the blood by means of diffusion.
The purified blood is returned to the arteries using another tube. During this process, the dialysis fluid is constantly renewed and maintained at the equivalent of body temperature, lest the patient suffer hypothermia.
A full dialysis takes some four to six hours, during which the dialysis fluid is changed several times. Patients are subjected to the process two or three times a week. Yet dialysis can never replace the normal kidney. 50 Even the most effective dialysis machines can prolong a patient’s lifespan by only a few years, and most patients eventually die.
Everything in the human body has been perfectly created. Medical research seeks to develop technology that’s able to produce features comparable to the human body’s. Yet it is impossible to install artificial devices into spaces as small as those in the body.
The systems installed by Allah in the human body is incomparable in all aspects. A person must regard this as a blessing from Allah and to give thanks to Him at every moment.
Allah is He Who appointed the night for you so that you might rest in it, and the day for seeing. Allah pours out His favor on humanity but most people do not show thanks. That is Allah, your Lord, the Creator of everything. There is no deity but Him—so how have you been perverted? That is how those who deny Allah’s Signs have been perverted. (Surah Ghafir: 61-63)
It occupies only 5 to 7 cubic centimeters (2 to 2.7 cubic inches).It works silently, without anyone’s being aware of it. It works non-stop throughout one’s life, never requiring any maintenance.It tests the quality of the blood and orders the production of new blood cells. It works by itself, never creating any difficulties.It regulates the water level in the blood, and controls blood pressure. It cleans the blood, keeping the body fit and healthy.Its filtering system is ideally suited to the body’s needs, with a total of 2,400,000 filtering units, and works 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
There is no need to set aside a special time for its operation, since it keeps working on its own accord at all times. Is the size of an average refrigerator. It runs on electricity and is noisy. It wears out in three to four years. Blood cannot be produced in the body since the kidn ey does not work. Frequent blood transfusions are necessary since the patient needs new blood. It must be run by expert technicians under sterile hospital conditions. All patients have high-blood pressure, when patients are attached to the machine, their blood pressure drops excessively. 

The patient has difficulty breathing, has trembling fits, bleeds easily and frequently, and often develops cramps. It is a simple filter that filters the blood only crudely, and the patient needs to have tests run, and have deficient substances replaced through serum. It keeps patients bedridden for five hours, three times a week, and doesn’t allow them to move.

As we have seen, the kidney is incomparably superior to a dialysis machine.But could a dialysis machine be the product of chance? What if someone told you that this machine, produced with advanced technology, had come into being by itself?Since it is impossible for a dialysis machine to have come into existence by chance, could a kidney, so incomparably superior, have done so? The kidney, with all its features, is the product of a superior intelligence and power. It is one of the works of Allah, Who creates all things flawlessly, in a perfect order.

45- Arthur C. Guyton, M.D., Text Book of Medical Physiology, W.B. Saunders Company, 7th Edition,1986, s.613-614 
46- Prof. Dr. Ahmet Noyan, Ya?amda ve Hekimlikte Fizyoloji, s.623-627 
47- Montgomery, Conway-Spector-Chappel, Biochemistry, Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 1996, s. 604 
48- Arthur Guyton-John Hall, Text Book of Medical Physiology, Guyton & Hall, 9th edition, s. 345 
49- Chandra Wickramasinghe, London Daily Express ile bir röportaj?ndan, 14 A?ustos 1981 
50- Guyton and Hall, 9. Bas?m, s.42 

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