Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Cambrian Period Is Enough to Demolish the Theory of Evolution

The Cambrian Period is the name given to the geological age when all the multi-celled groups living today suddenly emerged. This was so sudden and so wide-ranging that scientists refer to it as the “Cambrian explosion.”

According to the myths of the theory of evolution, life should be like a tree that developed from a single root and then began spreading out its branches. Indeed, this hypothesis is emphasized in Darwinist sources, and the concept of the “tree of life” is frequently used. That is what the theory of evolution claims. But is that really what happened?

Absolutely not! All the animal phyla known today emerged at the same time, in the geological age known as the Cambrian Period. That period lasted some 10 million years, between 520 and 530 million years ago. All animal phyla appeared, fully formed, during that brief space of time!

Fossils found in Cambrian rocks include very different life forms, such as snails, trilobites, sponges, jellyfish, starfish, sea lilies and swimming crustaceans. The great majority of the life forms in these strata have complex systems and advanced physiological structures identical to those of specimens living today, such as eyes, gills and blood circulation. These structures are both very complex and very different.

Cambrian life forms, with more complex structures than many living things today, baffle evolutionists

The theory of evolution maintains that the Cambrian Period is a “too early” period for the biological complexity it exhibits because Darwinist theory claims that the complex structures possessed by living things are acquired gradually, over long periods of time. Accordingly, life forms must have “primitive” features at the beginning of their supposed evolutionary histories and only acquire more advanced ones after a long process of evolution.

But the history of life reveals the exact opposite. The first life forms possess the same complex anatomical features as today’s, such as eyes, antennae, feet, mouths and stomachs. Therefore, “complexity” is a property appearing “at the first moments” of life, not later on.

Berkeley University’s Professor Philip Johnson describes the open inconsistency between Darwinism and this fact revealed by paleontology by saying,

“'Darwinist theory assumes that a species develops within “a triangle of increasingly expanding diversification.” According to this, life began from the first living organism or primitive animal species, diversified increasingly and gave rise to higher categories of biological classification. But animals fossils show us that this triangle actually stands upside-down: Phyla existed all together from the first moment, their numbers declining subsequently.'”

As Philip Johnson has said, rather than phyla developing gradually, all phyla appeared at once and the same time, with some of them later becoming extinct. And all these very different life forms appearing suddenly and flawlessly, means they were created.

All the scientific evidence shows that the first living things on earth did not evolve and develop. They did not evolve from one another and turn into different species.

Cambrian life forms suddenly appeared on the stage of history with no supposed primitive forebears before them.

Cambrian life forms dating back 530 million years ago and containing all the basic structures of the animal kingdom totally refute the theory of evolution. Evolution has ceased to exist in the face of this reality.

Darwinism will seem just as ludicrous to later generations as the stories from previous centuries about the Earth resting on the back of a giant turtle that people once believed in so fervently do to us today. People will fail to understand how Nobel prize-winning professors, teachers and scientists believed in such a farce and lined up behind such nonsense. The 20th Century will be one of shame for all Darwinist circles. 

Transformation Of Cells Into Organs A Miracle

Chromosomes coming from the parents exist in an egg cell newly fertilized in the mother’s womb. This cell starts dividing rapidly, and the newly formed cells differentiate as they continue to divide. They start to assume different tasks and reach the parts of the body where they belong. That is to say, rather than remaining as lumps of meat made up of similar cells, some of them become, for instance, eye cells or others heart cells and go to their respective places. Alternatively, if it is a skin cell, it covers the body. 

During this stage of division, cells work and cooperate very closely and meticulously like a very good working team. Each one of the cells is aware of the entire plan and work in cooperation and communication. How does such an advanced level of order and coordination come true? 

The answer to these questions isvery explicit: Living beings are created flawlessly and the artistry and might in their creation belongs to the Almighty Allah. In one verse of the Qur’an, Allah states the following: 

“He created the heavens and the earth with truth and formed you, giving you the best of forms. And He is your final destination. (Qur’an, 64:3)

  • How do the cells know where they will go, which organ they will be a part of and what will they accomplish there?
  • How do they interact with other cells in such harmony?

Proteins produced in various forms for different cells

While an embryo develops in the woman’s womb, the DNA that would make up the eyes of that embryo produce only the proteins related to the eye. Similarly the DNA strands that make up the brain of the embryo only produce the proteins related with the brain. 

The important point here is the following: The DNA of any cell in the body –whether it may be a bone cell, liver cell or a kidney cell – contains all the information that make up all the organs of the human being. However in all this information, only the related proteins are produced. In other words, in every cell there exists the information related to all organs in the body but not all the proteins are produced. Only that protein of the related organ is produced. For this end, histone, a special protein, packagesthe DNA in order to prevent the production of unnecessary proteins. Today one of the greatest secrets that baffle scientists is how histones in the cells know which genes to suppress and which ones are allowed to continue operating. Proteins are also molecules that are made up of non-living atoms. It is evident that unconscious and unintelligent atoms can not bring such a tremendous creation into being. 

Coordination during restructuring of the cells

DNA itself is neither a biochemist nor a super computer capable of accomplishing trillions of calculations per second. DNA is simply a molecule made up of carbon, phosphate, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. 

Now let’s think; each and every cell that multiplies by division contains all the genetic information in a human being. That is to say, every cell actually has the capability to make up the heart muscle, a red blood cell or any other tissue of the body. Although every cell has DNA, at different stages of development, only some genes become active in different organs. For instance, kidney formation and its functioning codes exist in each cell; but during development only the related genes become active in this organ at some particular times.

Who gives the order to divide and of being specialized in different tasks following the division? Furthermore, how do the cells have the sense of obeying these orders? How do they work in such discipline and organization? It is obvious that none of these are random systems that come into existence by chance. They all come into existence by the might of our Lord. (Qur’an, 32:5)

Perfection in man’s creation is not limited to cells

Cells must also exist at the right stage of life in accurate amounts. Some “maintenance” genes work in all cells at almost all times. Other genes function only for a couple of hours and then remain in standby mode until the next task. For instance, during nursing milk production is accelerated by genes. Available information is activated at the right time, in the right amount and at the appropriate location. It is impossible to explain away such planned, conscious, calculated and rational use of billions of information existing in the DNA as “chance.” Attributing the extraordinarily planned and organized incidents taking place on the microscopic level to chance is an account without rhyme or reason. Scientists acknowledge that they are still quite unable to give an account for this differentiation of cells and the flawless distribution of tasks in the cells. The Turkish microbiologist Ali Demirsoy admits this fact as follows:

“That many cell groups with different structures and functions come into existence from a fertilized egg could not be satisfactorily explained so far.” (Ali Demirsoy, Heritage and Evolution, Meteksan Publishing, Ankara, 1984, p.158)

It is obvious that all these extraordinary incidents could not have been the work of chance or the cell itself. Then to Whom does the Might and Intelligence that administers all these incidents and create them for a particular purpose belong? There is one single answer to this: Our Lord, with His infinite mercy, created man in his current flawless form and incessantly endows him with endless blessings. In one verse of the Qur’an Allah relates thus:

“He has given you everything you have asked Him for. If you tried to number Allah’s blessings, you could never count them. Man is indeed wrongdoing, ungrateful.” (Qur’an, 14:34)

Adnan Oktar's piece on Arab News:


Protein Synthesis In The Cell Is A Miracle

Protein Synthesis

Every process in the body takes place by way of proteins. For that reason, every cell needs protein at every moment.

As a result,  protein needs to be manufactured in the body every second.

The place in the cell where protein is manufactured is the DNA.

When any of the 100 trillion or so cells in the body needs protein, a message is sent to the DNA by way of hormones.

The proteins in DNA, in other words enzymes, go into action in order to take the code necessary for the protein to be manufactured from the DNA.

The way that enzymes find the information needed to be able to manufacture a single protein is like trying to FIND A SINGLE PAGE in an encyclopedia of 1,000 volumes.

That part of the DNA containing this code is opened up. Enzymes open up the relevant part of the helix and hold it open as far as the end of the section the relevant code will be extracted from. There is no need for any other sections to be opened up.

While these enzymes hold open the edges of the section needed for the code, another enzyme arrives on the scene and produces a copy of the section in question.

The extracted copy is called “messenger RNA.” The messenger RNA sets out for the factory where the protein is to be manufactured.

The messenger RNA carefully transports the copy and leaves the nucleus. There are gatekeepers waiting at the exit from the nucleus during this stage. They decide what can enter the nucleus or not and open the gate accordingly. The gate is always opened for messenger RNA.

The messenger RNA takes the copy and departs the nucleus, carrying the copy directly to the ribosome, the factory where the new protein is to be manufactured.

The messenger RNA binds to the relevant part of the ribosome and begins preparations for the manufacture of new protein.

In order for production to take place in the ribosome, the factory in other words, raw materials have to be brought in and installed in line with the code.

These raw materials are amino acids. These are brought in by “transfer RNA.” The amino acids are brought in  and establish a glorious protein chain, consisting of at least a hundred sequences each.

Amino acids bind to one another with special chemical bonds known as “peptide bonds.” These chemical bonds are some of the most powerful bonds of all. Proteins therefore have a very sound structure and are not easily damaged by external factors.

The way these amino acids are arranged determines the nature of that protein. It is therefore exceedingly important which amino acid follows which in the sequence. Enzymes never make a mistake as they establish the sequence. After the new protein chain has been manufactured, it is sent to a special section in the factory, in the ribosome in other words, where it assumes a special three-dimensional form through being folded and pleated in various ways.

This three-dimensional shape created by this folding and pleating determines the nature of the protein. Unless it is given a special shape the protein cannot function, even if the sequence is completely accurate.

When the chain assumes its three-dimensional form, the process is now complete. A new protein has been built. When the new protein departs this special section, an enzyme arrives on the scene. It picks up the newly constructed protein and carries it right to where it is needed in the cell.

The protein synthesis process, described here in very general terms,  takes place in every cell, 2,000 times per second. All the components know just what to do as they carry out the process. Not a single enzyme fails to reach its target and objective; production never goes wrong inside the factory; the special folding of the new protein chain is never forgotten; the messengers never get lost. The cell is aware of the importance and delicate nature of this production at every moment.

They know, because every part of the cell acts under our Lord’s inspiration at every moment. Every enzyme, every amino acid and every atom that goes to make them up is a manifestation of Almighty Allah’s infinite power and omniscience. Everything has bowed its head to our Almighty Lord, Lord and Ruler of all the worlds, He Who is omnipresent at all times. Everything is in His knowledge and all things have submitted to Him. Creating all these worlds from nothing is a most easy matter for Allah the Merciful.

Everything in the heavens and everything in the earth belongs to Him. Allah is the Rich Beyond Need, the Praiseworthy. (Surat al-Haj, 64)

The Role Of The Theory of Evolution in School Attacks

A large number of students in schools have been killed in attacks using weapons on schools in Europe and the USA in recent years. The media have generally suggested that these attacks are the work of people with depression or psychopathic behavior (antisocial personality disorder). Looked at closely, however, there is another more striking factor behind these attacks; the theory of evolution which claims that life is a struggle between weak and strong.

Thirteen people were murdered in the attack by Columbine High School final year students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who then killed themselves, in the U.S. state of Colorado on 20 April, 1999. One newspaper report described the reason for the massacre as follows; “It has emerged that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who killed 13 fellow-students in the attack on Columbine High School, were influenced by Darwin's theory of ‘natural selection’.” [1]

During the attack, Eric Harris wore a T shirt that made the origin of the violence he perpetrated perfectly clear. The T shirt read “natural selection.” In video recordings, the pair stated that they were influenced by the ideas of natural selection and the elimination of the weak in natural selection. Darrell Scott, who lost his 13-year-old daughter Rachel in the attack and only saved his son Craig with difficulty, said that he could not understand why the motivation of the killers was completely ignored:

“Harris wore a ‘Natural Selection’ T-shirt on the day of the killings. They made remarks on video about helping out the process of natural selection by eliminating the weakThey also professed that they had evolved to a higher level than their classmates.” [2]

Harris was so firmly convinced a Darwinist as to say that inoculating human beings and plants was an interference in nature’s process of eliminating weeds. He even said there should be no warnings on dangerous goods; “let natural selection take its course. All the fat, ugly, retarded, crippled dumbass, stupid … in the world would die … Maybe then the human race can actually be proud of itself.” [3] he said.

Barry Arrington, lawyer for a family who lost six children at Columbine, described how devoted to Darwinism Eric Harris was:

“I read through every single page of Eric Harris’s journals; I listened to all of the audio tapes and watched the videotapes … It became evident to me that Harris consciously saw his actions as logically arising from what he had learnt about evolution. Darwinism served as his personal intellectual rationale for what he did. There cannot be the slightest doubt that Harris was a worshipper of Darwin and saw himself as acting on Darwinian principles.” [4]

On the web site “Psikiyatri ve Hayat,” expert psychiatrist Dr. Kubilay Boğoçlu considered the details of the attack at Columbine High School and psychological analyses of the perpetrators. Boğoçlu emphasized on the site that the attackers’ first victim was specially selected. This was female student Rachel Scott. Rachel’s father was a clergyman and Rachel had been raised within the Christian culture. The name of one performance she put on at school was Watch the Lamb, for instance. Klebold knew about that project since her personally helped Rachel during the preparations. In other words, the first victim was the daughter of a clergyman and had put on a performance about the need to protect the weak. [5]

Harris and Klebold, on the other hand, regarded themselves as strong and superior people who had to eliminate the weak. In a video recording during which he described natural selection by the elimination of the weak, Harris claimed that they had evolved to a higher level than their classmates. [6]

Harris expressed his Darwinist attitudes in this way on his website:

“ comin for EVERYONE soon, and i WILL be armed to the … teeth and i WILL shoot to KILL and i WILL … KILL EVERYTHING!... I am the law, if you don’t like it, you die. If I don’t like you or I don’t like what you want me to do, you die... So thats the only way to solve arguments with all you … out there, I just kill!” [7]

It is a fact that ideas within the theory of evolution that encourage aggression and moral degeneration, such as life being a battlefield and the use of physical force to prevail over others is a law of nature, incite the immoral tendencies and acts of violence that have been seen in schools in recent times are regarded as normal.

Killers regard themselves as a pioneer force in the battle for survival.

According to their twisted perspective, if conflict prevails in nature, then it is as normal for people to kill those they regard as weak as it for a lion to kill an antelope. If the lion is not held to account for killing the antelope, neither should they be held to account. Because, like the lion, they are also acting in the light of the natural selection in Darwin’s teaching. Indeed, it emerged at while the attack on a school in Pennsylvania in 2007 was being prepared, one of the students frequently visited a web site called Natural Selection's Army,” and this perverse logic has been shown to be a significant factor in such attacks.[8]  Moreover, visitors to that site also took part in chat rooms known as “cyber school for killers.” These sites were immediately closed down by the service providers once the police became aware of them. However, many teenagers still continue to play a computer game in which the opposing sides seek to annihilate one another. The name of this popular game is “Natural Selection.” This shows that this term is associated by many young people with sudden and extreme violence. This game, which stars Harris and Klebold, also features original images of the Columbine massacre. [9]

According to information given to the press, one of those who frequently visited the Natural Selection’s Army web site was the 18-year-old Finnish student Pekka-Eric Auvinen. On 7 November, 2007, killed 6 students and 2 officials, and then himself, in an armed attack on the Jokela High School in the town of Tuusula.

One newspaper reported headed “I Was Inspired by the Theory,” described the reason behind Auvinen’s massacre:

“The 18-year-old armed student Pekka Eric Auvinen who attacked a school in Finland on 7 November, 2007, shot his teacher after forcing him to kneel down first. It also emerged that Auvinen, who also shot 8 of his friends, was a regular visitor to the "Natural Selection’s Army" web site inspired by Darwin’s theory of evolution. Auvinen later admitted that he was inspired to perpetrate the massacre by Darwin’s theory.” [10]

Pekka Eric Auvinen posted a apologia on the internet before carrying out the killings. In that apologia, Auvinen described himself as a “Social Darwinist” and said that natural selection no longer worked and had even gone into reverse. He spoke of stupid, weak-minded people reproducing faster than intelligent, strong-minded ones. He was sure that if society continued to ensure the survival of the former, then the gene pool would be deteriorated. He worried over what to do about the problem. He finally concluded that life consisted merely of meaningless coincidences and lengthy, random mutations, and that trying to do anything is meaningless. But eventually he had decided he would do his bit by becoming a natural selector, aping the pitiless indifference of nature.” [11]

Auvinen set out the pretext for his reaching that decision:

“No mercy for the scum of the Earth! Humanity is overrated. It’s time to put natural selection and survival of the fittest back on track.” [12]

The 18-year-old Auvinen broadcast a number of video clips under different user names on various web sites. These consisted of images of violence accompanied by pessimistic and aggressive songs. Nobody should be surprised that someone who perpetrated such a bloody massacre should have had violent tendencies. However, one of these video clips was particularly striking in times of shedding light on the background to the attack. In a clip titled “My Philosophy” on one web site under the user name of I'm Gonna Kill You All 667, Auvinan stated he would commit the killing as a requirement of natural selection.

Natural selection is a concept on which Charles Darwin based his theory fo evolution and expresses the idea that in the supposed struggle for survival, the strong should eliminate the weak. Natural selection is a concept based on absolutely no scientific findings. Since it was based on violence and described human beings as the result of blind natural events, it became the indispensible foundation for both atheist philosophies and for ideologies and movements that favored violence. The dictators who sent millions to their deaths in the Second World War also regarded conflict as a part of natural selection and made a great many references to Darwinism in their propaganda.

We again come across "natural selection" in the Jokela High School massacre. Auvinen called for the application of natural selection in the video in which he set out his “philosophy.” Posing in a T shirt reading “Mankind Is Unimportant,” Auvinen said this about the value that Darwinism attached – or rather does not attach – to man:

"I am just a normal anarchist that believes in natural selection. Humans need to put natural selection back on tracks. The animals live that way, why won't the humans. We are animals after all. We  pollute the Earth that birthed us. Humans are the worst animals on the planet. We humans came up with a screwed up society. The whole world is screwed. All of the society shall fall. That [natural selection] is what should happen. The sooner, the better... Law is the opinion of the "higher in power" ...That's why you should take control of your own life. Live in anarchy. Do what you want and don't let others tell you what to do. This is your own life.

The weak should die while the strong live. Itis survival of the fittest, natural selection. Animals die all the time. You don't see some dog crying their eyes out after they figure out that some other dog died. because another dog has died. Humans die too. It should be the same reaction. It is just all natural, not a big deal. Do not cry for someone you don't know, this is not sad... My personal phylosophy, THE GENOCIDE OF THE HUMAN RACE MUST HAPPEN." (Capital letters and spelling errors in original text) [13]

In the manifesto in which he set out his views, Auvinen explicitly stated that his Darwinist opinions influenced his perpetration of the killing:

"I am prepared to fight and die for my cause … I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection. No, the fact is that I am merely an animal, a human being and a dissident…The time has come to set the principle of the survival of the fittest and natural selection back on its feet. [14]

The Effects of One-Sided Darwinist Education

By spreading the lie that there is no purpose to human life, Darwinist education turns people into psychologically sick individuals, pessimistic and psychopathic, devoid of all hope and joy.

One of the latest examples of this is the Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik. Breivik admitted to perpetrating twin terror attacks in Norway on 22 July, 2011. One of these was a bomb attack on the government building in Oslo in which 8 people died. The other was an attack on a Labor party youth camp on the island of Utoya. Sixty-nine people lost their lives in that attack.

Before the attacks, Breivik set out his views in his ”European Independence Manifesto.” On page 1518 he stated that he regarded himself as a champion of the scientific world view and modern biology. Among the books he “most valued” was Charles Darwin's Origin of Species. [16] According to Breivik, "a perfect Europe" must include the laws of social Darwinism[17]

On page 1202 of his book, Breivik says that he entirely agrees with  the Darwinist biologist from Princeton University Lee Silver regarding the re-implementation of eugenics. He agrees with Silver’s view that radical policies will have to be applied in the future if the world population is to be reduced to less than half of the current figure, or 3.8 billion. [18]  On the same page, Breivik makes it clear that he has signed up to Darwin's argument that "genocide and natural selection … go hand in hand ":

“Even if the second and third world countries ignores the call of this ”hegemony” [to stop having babies], nature will correct their suicidal tendencies as they are unable to feed their populations.” [19]

Breivik the goes on to say that there must be no intervention in this natural process, or famine:

“If starvation threatens the countries who have failed to follow our [population capacity] guidelines we should not support them by backing their corrupt leaders or send any form of aid.” [20]

“Food aid to 3rd world countries must stop immediately as it is the primary cause of overpopulation.” [21]

These words written by Breivik in person clearly show that he had lost all moral values because of his Darwinist education, as a result of which he cold-bloodedly perpetrated his terrorist  attacks that cost the lives of dozens of people.

Another example of the moral collapse and savagery caused by Darwinist education is the American serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, who killed and ate 17 children before he was caught. In a last interview with the Dateline NBC channel immediately before he was put to death, Dahmer made the following statement:

“If a person doesn’t think that there is a God to be accountable to, then what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges? That’s how I thought anyway. I always believed the theory of evolution as truth, that we all just came from the slime [by chance]. When we died, you know, that was it, there was nothing. [22]

Darwin’s superstition that has poisoned vast numbers, turns people into serial killers and even makes them psychopathic enough to eat human flesh. That is what comes of this false religion that seeks to indoctrinate people with the idea they have no responsibility to a Creator, that convinces them they are purposeless, irresponsible and aimless entities, that regards human beings as animals and that seeks to turn people away from the fact of the hereafter by portraying death as the end.

Darwinism is the worst perverse force that has caused war, killing, oppression, terror, mass slaughter, degeneration and afflictions of all kinds for the last 200 years. DARWINISM WAS THE WORST DECEPTION AND SCOURGE OF THE LAST CENTURY, and was behind the world wars and the communism and fascism that led to irreligion, racism and mass slaughter in societies at one time.

The unfortunate effects on society of this dark scourge initiated by Darwin have persisted down to the present day. The latest book by Richard Dawkins, one of the most committed devotees of Darwinism today, contains suggestions far removed from belief in Allah that will inevitably lead to pessimism and despair. One of the most significant instances of this was the way that  Jesse Kilgore, a 22-year-old student in America, committed suicide under the effect of Dawkins’ book he was recommended by a teacher. [23]

The effect of Dawkins’ terrifying views based on the sinister ideology of Darwinism are by no means limited to that example. In the foreword to his book Unweaving the Rainbow, Dawkins himself admits that fact:

“A foreign publisher of my first book confessed that he could not sleep for three nights after reading it, so troubled was he by what he saw as its cold, bleak message. Others have asked me how I can bear to get up in the mornings. A teacher from a distant country wrote me reproachfully that a pupil had come to him in tears after reading the same book, because it had persuaded her that life was empty and purposeless. He advised her not to show the book to any of her friends, for fear of contaminating them with the same nihilistic pessimism.” [24]

This sinister scourge, Darwinism, is a perverse religion that inflicts death, murder, despair, lack of feeling, terror and savagery and encourages people to think they are nothing more than animals that came into being by chance. The few remaining representatives of that faith are still striving with all their might to turn people away from belief in Allah. That is why they strenuously oppose the teaching of the weaknesses of Darwinism in schools, hide away fossils that prove Creation, and never admit that protein cannot come into being by chance and that more than 350 million fossils totally refute Darwinism. Yet despite all these measures, people in the 21st century are no longer taken in by lies. All the efforts made to keep Darwinism propped up after it was exposed as a fraud have been in vain.


Bearing in Mind These Destructive Effects of Darwinism on Society There Must Be an End to One-Sided Darwinist Education in Schools

Of course we need to concentrate on the psychologies of the aggressors responsible for the Jokela, Columbine and Virginia Tech University massacres and the personal factors that led them to commit them. However, the basic factor behind all these events is the Darwinist education persisting in schools. As we all know, students are taught that life began spontaneously and that human beings are a species of ape that  supposedly emerged through natural selection, as if these were scientific facts. Those responsible for the Jokela, Columbine and Virginia Tech attacks also received this pro-Darwinist instruction.

Darwinism is taught as if it were a scientific reality in school curricula, and it is forbidden for the opposite view, that the universe and human beings were created by Allah in the light of a valuable purpose, to be taught. In other words, Darwinism has been launched as a supposed scientific fact, in a totally biased manner. Yet Darwinism is actually a groundless theory that has totally collapsed in the face of 350 million fossils that show that living things have never changed. When we look a bit deeper, we see that Darwinism, which claims that life emerged from inanimate matter, is even incapable of explaining how its own theory might work. It is a know fact that Darwinists, trapped on the ropes in many areas, have resorted to frauds and hoaxes, such as the "Piltdown Man scandal,” in which they attached the jaw bone of an orangutan to a human skull.

There are thousands of dilemmas facing Darwinists of the type outlined in brief above, and the number is increasing all the time as scientific advances are made. Yet students exposed to biased education from very early ages in schools think that the teachings of Darwinism, that lead to savagery, are actually true, and that leads to the most terrible consequences. As well as stories of mass killings in the news, Darwinism can also be seen many cases of suicide and moral degeneration.

What needs to be done right away is to put an end to the one-sided indoctrination of Darwinism and for the scientific facts that refute Darwinism to be included in the curriculum.

Those who shape educational policies must know that Darwinist education can lead to such consequences, and must feel the responsibility that goes with. The curriculum must be shaped accordingly. And young people must be made aware of the scientific collapse of Darwinism and its ideological background.


[1] Habertürk, 09.11.2009






[8] Habertürk, 09.11.2009

[10] Habertürk Gazetesi, 09.11.2009

[13] Pekka-Eric Auvinen's Video My Philosophy



[17] Anders Behring Breivik, A European Declaration of Independence, p.1386


[19] Anders Behring Breivik, A European Declaration of Independence, p.1202

[20] Anders Behring Breivik, A European Declaration of Independence, p.1202

[21] Anders Behring Breivik, A European Declaration of Independence, p.1203

[22] Kelly J. Coghlan, Houston Chronicle Sunday-15 February 2009


[24] Richard Dawkins, Unweaving The Rainbow, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998, p. ix.



The Selective Nature Of The Nerve Cells

• What is the resting potential of the neurons and how is it preserved?

• What is action potential and how are the signals transmitted?

The nerve cells, which are called the neurons, unlike other cells, have axons and dendrites. The dendrites consist of many short extensions and look like the roots of the cell. These extensions receive signals from other neurons and the recipient cells and convey it to the body of the cell. Axons, on the other hand, are thin structures that arise from the cell body. One axon arises from the cell body and they help carry the messages to the brain. These neurons make a huge network of communication, all together.

Every cell membrane has an electrical charge and every neuron is like a tiny biologic battery ready to discharge itself. And each neuron is like a mini, biological battery ready to discharge its energy. The ions are electric-charged molecules inside and outside the nerve cells. This creates a difference in the voltage throughout the cell membrane. In order for the the neurons to send signals, minus 50 milivolt (one millivolt is one in one thousandth of a volt) is needed at an average.1 The signal is transmitted through the axon. After every signal, potassium ions are exchanged through the cell membrane. The neuron has to be recharged after every signal. To do that, the neuron gets back the ions to reach its potential value.

One neuron takes onethousandth of a second to send a signal. This makes it possible to send a maximum of 1000 signals a second, however generally only 300-400 signals are sent in one second. The nerve cells have varying lengths in people2 and the speed of transmission is around 100-300 meters a second.3

Prof. Peter Suckling, a neuroscientist at the Downstate Medicine Center, explains his awe at the cell membrane:

“This thin cell memberane preserves the electric voltage more efficiently than any other insulating material. This is a very high insulating power. It has to be strong and at the same time, it is very thin.”4

The fact that the nerve cells can signal each other through the electricity produced in the cell membrane, the fact that they can send messages and ensure that the body functions continue, is something to be pondered upon. Furthermore, these electrical signals find the right address and make sense to the recipient cell. Every cell knows what the signal means and acts accordingly. This is a miraculous incident that has to be thought about very comprehensively. If it wasn’t for this flawless system between the cells, no living thing could survive. Then how did this system that displays an amazing intelligence and engineering come about? Surely, it is impossible to say that unconscious piles of atoms and molecules came together to build the cells and led to this amazingly engineered system between the cells. The existence of such a conscious system proves us the existence of creation in the living things. This incredible micro structure that left scientists amazed, belongs to our Lord, the Creator of Everything:

“Is He who creates like him who does not create? So will you not pay heed?” (An-Nahl, 17)

Neurons at rest

A nerve cell is at rest, when it is not communicating a signal. However, this doesn’t mean that the neuron is completely immobile. It has to be ready to transmit signals that could be received from the neighbors at any moment. A neuron that is at rest has to polarized. This means that the liquid inside has to be negatively charged compared to one outside. One nerve cell has an electric potential of around 70 milivolts across the cell membrane. This is called the membrane potential or the resting potential. Although this might seem like a small amount, it means that it produces a voltage that is equal to 1/20 of the energy in the battery of a small flashlight and creates a potential for the electricity production throughout the axon membrane. 

Outside the axon, there are sodium and (Na+) chloride (Cl-) ions, while inside, there are charged proteins and potassium (K+) ions. The electrical imbalance between outside and inside of the cell, creates the resting potential throughout the membrane. This imbalance created by the charged ions, is obtained through the cell membrane being semipermeable for different ions. Even if the sodium, potassium and chlorine ions pass through the cell membrane, the entrance of big molecules creating an electric potential, is restricted.

However, semipermeability is not the only solution, as the potassium ions inside the cell (K+) are always higher in number than the sodium ions (Na+), while the sodium ions outside the cell membrane (Na+) are always more than the potassium ions (K+). In order to ensure the necessary ion balance, the intensity levels in the nerve cell, has to be reverted.  

The cell does this using a kind of ion pump. The sodium-potassium pump is a big protein molecule that builds a channel in the cell membrane. This pump gets its energy from the ATP (Adenosine-5'-triphosphate: the cellular energy molecule that living things directly use) and after sending the sodium (Na+) ions out, accepts the potassium (K+) ions inside. Thus, it preserves the right ion ratio inside and outside the cell. In every square micrometer of the cell membrane, there are some 100–200 sodium-potassium pumps and each of them sends out 200 sodium ions while accepting 130 potassium ions inside.

Action potential and transmission of the signal

When a neuron is prompted by another neuron or the conditions, the signal starts and right after this, the signal moves along the axon and makes the cell membrane potential to be reverted. As there are thousands of protein channels or gates on the neuron membrane allowing the passage of the ions. These gates are usually closed. When there is a signal, the sodium channels are opened and the positive-charged sodium ions flow inside. This way, the inside of the cell membrane has more positive charge and the resting potential is reverted, which increases the cell membrane potential up to +50 milivolt. The reverting of these charges is called the ‘action potential’. During the action potential, the potassium gates are opened and the positive charged potassium ions flow outside. This re-balances the resting potential and the inside of the neuron becomes negative charged while outside becomes positive charged.

A single electric signal triggers all this process. Therefore, we can say that the transmission of the signals triggers a domino effect. As each domino falls, the next one falls. After the signal is sent, the dominos stand back and get ready for the next action potential.

The molecular traffic between the nerve cells continues on a constant basis. It is the ions and some proteins that tell this traffic to move or to stop. It is surely impossible for unconscious moelecules to build this amazing nervous system in our bodies and then organize it perfectly. They have come together to serve a single purpose within a system. This fascinating system in our bodies is one of the manifestations of Allah’s beautiful creation and infinite control over everything.

Synapse Paths

The nervous system in human body is a very complex structure that consists of billions of nerve cells. These nerve cells communicate with each other and the other cells in the body through the synapses. The synapses are small sections in the neighboring nerve cells which are very close to each other, but they never touch. Since they do not touch each other, the signals do not directly pass from one cell to another, rather than that they are carried through by using chemical means which are called neurotransmitters.

When a signal is received in the first cell, this leads to the release of some neurotransmitters to the intracellular gap. After that, the neurotransmitter molecules are diffused in this gap and go to a less dense environment and bind to the recipient protein molecules in the second cell. Since the neurotransmitters and the recipient molecules have too many different types, this synapses transmission can be fast (onethousandth of a second) or slow (one hundredth of a second). The chemicals either trigger or stop the second cell. Therefore, the synapses serve in the nervous system either by changing the data or processing it. This is why, the synpasis function in the brain is linked to learning and the memory.

The neurons receive and send messages through connections called synapsis and exchange chemicals at these points. There are one trillion connection points between the nerve cells in the brain and the molecular traffic over these connections is continuous.  The ones who dictate when this traffic should stop or continue, are the ions, which are electrically charged chemicals and different types of proteins. Clearly, the fact that we can live very comfortably, that we can react to our surroundings become possible by the means of this special system that Allah created in our bodies. Furthemore, the nerve cells make only a small part of the complex system in our bodies. This system all around our bodies is one of the great manifestations of Allah’s infinite power and control. However, every detail in our bodies, is created with a very special duty, by our Almighty Lord who has infinite knowledge. Our Lord says in the verses:  

“Ask them for a fatwa: is it they who are stronger in structure or other things We have created? We created them from sticky clay.

No wonder you are surprised as they laugh with scorn!.” (As-Saffat, 11-12)


1- ( ArtEd/ChildDev/1cNeurons.htm; [Coon, Dennis. Introduction to Psychology, Exploration and Application. St. Paul: West Publishing Company, 1989.)

2-                 (; [Coon, Dennis. Introduction to Psychology, Exploration and Application. St. Paul: West Publishing Company, 1989.)

3- ( 

4- ( Medicine/bodyelectricity.html)

Even if we know or not what the synapsis cells do, or even if we forget about them, it won’t make much of a difference in our lives. However, the cells have an important duty to know these details and work with them without making any mistakes. They are very  committed to their job, doing it every moment, without us even feeling it, and without mistakes or problems. These signals that are carried through doors which are opened in a split second, actually make up the invisible parts of a huge structure. Tasting an apple, smelling a rose, recognizing your mother’s voice, remembering a phone number, being able to press the button of a remote controller, being able to answer a question easily, climbing down the stairs fast, in short, everything you do in your life without thinking about it, can happen by the means of this system. And our duty is giving thanks to our Lord, Who created this system without us even knowing how necessary it is.